
Here's my amazingly regular blog with which i hope to reflect on and add my views to events in history

Monday, October 17, 2011

The American Uprising and the battles of Breed and Bunker hills.

The textbook "America a Concise History" gives a very small explanation of the battles of Breed's Hill and Bunker's Hill. This is a very exciting time in history for me because I love the battles of the revolutionary war and America's independence. This battle, mainly called the battle of Bunker Hill took place mostly on Breed's Hill and had a set of interesting circumstances. The rebels built fortifications on Breed's hill and the British knew. Had the British acted quickly and decisively, they could have routed the rebel army but didn't attack until 3pm the next day. The 1,500 rebels were up against 2,400 trained British soldiers and had minimal weapons and ammunition. This lack of ammunition led to the famous quote "Don't shoot until you see the white's of their eyes". The meaning of this was to keep from firing until when their ammo would do the most damage. The rebels were able to repel the British soldiers three times before running out of ammo and having to retreat. Although this battle was an American loss, the British had 1,150 soldiers killed or wounded and the rebels suffered 450 killed and wounded. This battle to me is remarkable and i wonder why the British didn't act sooner. I also wonder what would have happened if the rebels had more ammunition during the fight. I dunno but i feel that although the British 'won' i feel that the rebels did more damage to Britain.

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