
Here's my amazingly regular blog with which i hope to reflect on and add my views to events in history

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Could the Poor Achieve Some Success in England?

Alexander MacAllister seems to be the poor man who "struck it rich" by moving to North Carolina. His success brings others to come to North Carolina which at first was alright to those already living there. However in 1765, towns were overcrowded due to too many immigrants coming from Europe. This made me wonder;

"If so many people were leaving from Europe, many of them with nothing, why not stay behind in England and pillage and plunder the houses of those that leave for America?"

That's definitely something I would consider if i lived back then. They must hear of the disease and "native savages" that kill many who travel across the Atlantic. Instead of doing it myself i would simply take any items and land that those who had left might have had and then turned around and sold it for a pretty penny. Aside from this, there would be more room and common land to use for the growing and grazing of animals which i would take full advantage of. Maybe many did this and in my opinion, they seem like the smart lads by doing so.

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