Knowing history and it's outcomes seems to give major insight into what decisions to make today. For instance, I can't understand why we keep pouring more money into all the lazies and low lifes in this Country. America is supposed to be the land of the free and a land of opportunity so why are we limiting ourselves by supporting those who don't want to work? Why give people something for nothing? I can't understand the corruption of our welfare system and all the other "benefit" programs out there today. The definition of opportunity is: "a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal". How can we call America a Land of Opportunity if the only opportunity is for people to sit down and do nothing and be paid by those who do work? We try so hard to end socialism in other countries yet we seem to overlook the hold that it has at home in our own country. Looking back at Rome we see that Rome was a Powerful nation much like America today. Rome remained powerful and nothing could stop it until Rome got lazy. After laziness set its foot in Rome, The economy declined and Rome grew weak. So shall America grow weak if we do not change the system and oust the standard of "something for nothing" in our country.
I do believe that programs such as welfare do have their place and I want to make a distinction between those who can't work and those who won't work. I have just as much respect for those who can't work and those who do work however those who won't work don't deserve to be given handouts. If they want handouts let them beg on the streets, then at least they'll be doing something!
Now after my huge rant regarding welfare and government support programs, back to the topic I originally wanted to address. By looking back on history we can better see what decisions to make. For instance, is welfare really for the benefit of the nation? or will it destroy us? Another example is national healthcare. Look at what a national healthcare system did in Canada. Why do people assume it will be any different in America?
Well I was just speaking my mind on the importance of history. My views are obviously different than others but I'm just exercising my first amendment rights.
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