
Here's my amazingly regular blog with which i hope to reflect on and add my views to events in history

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson aka Old Hickory was the seventh president of the United States. His presidency was remarkably different than other presidencies because he used his authority in ways that other presidents had not. For instance Jackson used his powers to exert power over the Indian peoples. Things started to get heated in 1802 when Georgia gave up their claims to land in the west in return for the expulsion of the Indians. When Jackson was president he did just that. Jackson was a big supporter of removing the Indians and in 1830 he pushed the Indian Removal Act through Congress. This act gave money and land in present day Oklahoma and Kansas to the Native Americans. Before this. Mr. Jackson fixed a major problem between the South and the government by reducing the tariff rates by 1842 back to the levels of 1816. Jackson's biggest challenge was the Second Bank of the United States. The second bank tried to recharter early since they had a sufficient number of seats in congress however the sneaky president during this time by vetoing the charter and convincing the electoral college to reject the bank. After this Jackson weakened the Second Bank for the rest of its four years by withdrawing the federal reserve and putting it in state banks. Jackson pretty much screwed the Second Bank over by saying no to their charter and then because they brought it up said, "screw you even more" and made a very bold and probably illegal move. I would call this bad but Jackson is the only president in history who has paid off the National debt. Interesting how the figurative abolishment of the Second Bank led us out of debt. Coincidence? I submit that it is not.

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