
Here's my amazingly regular blog with which i hope to reflect on and add my views to events in history

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why did the North win the Civil war?

I chose to write on this topic because war is the thing that interests me most in history AND it is one of the essays that I am preparing to write on. The reason the North won the Civil War was because of a couple main reasons. The first reason was the North had better infrastructure such as railroads and canals which allowed quicker transporting of troops and supplies. The second reason was the North was far more industrial and could produce things at around 10:1 which we discussed in class. Yet another reason was the fact that the North had a navy whereas the South had few merchant ships and no navy to begin with. The North also had more people. Even though the North had a bigger population it doesn't matter if the North has no enlistment or support; Though they did.

The South is at a disadvantage in every way economically and their army is smaller. It looks like it should have been a decisive victory with the North routing the South however; The South has one thing in its favor and that is leadership. The South has General Lee and his right hand man General "Stonewall" Jackson at the head of its armies. These two Generals are the only things that keep the South in the running. Lee's and Jackson's leadership was superb and they held at the battle of Bull Run which is where Jackson got his name. Lee also stabbed up into the North with an Offensive-Defensive strategy which worked well. The South kept winning battle after battle while the North just kept slipping up. Would the South win after all?

The South may well have won the war if there had not been a change of leadership in the North. George B. McClellan was the North's first leader and he was unwilling to commit to battles and let the South escape and stand to fight again. After McClellan had lost battle after battle, Ulysses S. Grant took up the call. Grant began to turn the war around and in 1862 won the Battle of Antietam. The winning of this battle put the North back on top and in 1863 the most pivotal battle of the war was won. The battle of Gettysburg was fought over the course of three days in which the North came out on top. After this battle, the Confederacy was too crippled and would never fully recover. They would be pushed back to Richmond Virginia and on April 9th, 1865 the Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.

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